About SMA


Smart Marketer’s Ally (SMA) provides content strategy and content production to fast-growth B2B technology companies. 

You can rely on Smart Marketer's Ally to help you:

  • Create killer content quickly

  • Engage and educate your ideal customers

  • Formalize and document your content strategy

  • Define your buyer personas

  • Develop your messaging platforms

  • Generate high-quality leads



Julie Wienen Withrow

PRESIDENT & Principal Strategist

You know as well as anyone that producing quality content is a challenge. You only have so many in-house resources, and you’ve had so-so luck with freelancers. Meanwhile, you have a to-do list about a mile long. You’re stretched pretty thin and could really use some help. Preferably yesterday.

Hi, I’m Julie. I’m the president and principal strategist of Smart Marketer’s Ally. And I’ve been in your shoes.

Check me out on LinkedIn. 

As a marketing director for seven years, I had a huge set of responsibilities and a very lean team. The requests for projects seemed never-ending.

I needed additional creative resources to produce content. But getting them up to speed took a painful amount of hand-holding on my part - and time I really didn't have.

If you can relate to any of this, you're in the right place. 

With Smart Marketer's Ally, you can confidently outsource your content projects to creative pros. We're quick studies and highly resourceful, which means you'll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly we grasp your company and products. 

Write here…

“Julie brands herself as the get-it-done marketer, and that’s exactly what she does. It takes her no time whatsoever to grasp the messaging, positioning, persona, and demand-generating goal. There isn’t a project I could throw at her that she couldn’t handle or make better.”
— Jennifer Drayton, Senior Manager Content Marketing, Ping Identity